Estudios de Historia Novohispana is a scientific journal published by the Institute of Historical Research at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. It publishes cutting-edge original research on the history and culture of New Spain and the territories that comprised the Spanish Crown’s domains in the Americas and the Philippines, from the late 15th century to the early 19th century.
Latest issue
On Ysla Campbell, Varia documenta. Para la historia de la cultura letrada en la Nueva Vizcaya
José Enrique Atilano Gutiérrez
Diseases and Care to Patients Admitted to the Hospital of San Cosme and San Damián de Antequera, Oaxaca (1703-1710)
Maira Cristina Córdova Aguilar
Roads, Bridges and Hammocks. Vernacular Technology in the Sierra Norte of Oaxaca
Raquel Eréndira Güereca Durán
An Impossible Jurisdiction? Verapaz and its Diocese (1554-1608)
Selvin Jerónimo Chiquín Enriquez
History of the Failed Voyages of Diego de Ontiveros Hinojosa from Yucatan to Tierra Firme, 1660-1685
Carolina Abadía Quintero
The Administration of the Temporalities of the Colegio de San Francisco Xavier de Puebla (1767-1773)
Vanessa Morales González