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Code of Ethics

Code of Ethics and publication malpractice statement

Estudios de Historia Novohispana promotes the dissemination of recent, high caliber analysis through open access to the journal’s content. It upholds the principles of responsibility, honesty, transparency, impartiality, and confidentiality in order to maintain good editorial practices and it is governed by the código de ética de la UNAM (UNAM Code of Ethics). It also subscribes to the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) for the prevention and attention of misconduct and accusations of misconduct.

Below is a description of the relevant parties and their responsibilities:

The Editorial Board

  • The Editorial Board is an organization composed of leading scholars from Mexican and international institutions who are chosen based on enquiries among peers.
  • One of the main functions is to ensure the proper functioning of the journal and the performance of its editors. The Editorial Board also contributes to giving the journal greater visibility and prestige in national and international circles.
  • Its members advise the journal’s editors, help resolve possible controversies, participate in offering assessments, and occasionally in doing reviews, when the materials to evaluate are directly related to their field of expertise.
  • Its members are committed to adhering to the present code of ethics and pledge to uphold it.


The Editors

  • The editors are scholars who are members of the Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, committed to directing the journal following the present code of ethics and seeking the highest academic standards.
  • They manage the reception, evaluation, and, when appropriate, the publication of the work submitted to the journal.
  • They are ultimately responsible in deciding which works are relevant in the journal. This is determined by taking into consideration the journal’s specialized subject matter, the relevance and timeliness of the contributions, whether the manuscripts fulfill the requirements for the presentation of original work and the result of the peer review process.
  • They employ antiplagiarism software, among other mechanisms, to ensure that the work proposed for publication in the journal be original, unpublished material. Any work in which plagiarism, self-plagiarism, duplicated publication, deliberate omission of references, or the use of material (data, images, etc.) without the proper permission is detected will not be accepted. See the Antiplagiarism Policy.
  • They are committed to guaranteeing impartiality and confidentiality in the double-blind peer review process.
  • The editors seek the opinions of experts in the field of the article submitted. For the peer review, they invite two scholars of known prestige, from national or international institutions. In the event of a discrepancy in evaluations, the editors will request a third review (see the Peer Review Policy).
  • They seek to avoid, or where appropriate, to solve conflicts of interest that might arise in the process of evaluating submissions.
  • They keep the authors informed of the decisions related to the editorial process of the submissions
  • They are committed to maintaining confidentiality of the submissions, the names of the authors, and the reviewers. In no case will they release the submission, or will they use it without the author’s prior written permission. Only the editorial team and the reviewers have access to the submissions received.
  • They are committed to publishing corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies should the need arise.


The Authors

  • The submission of a manuscript implies acceptance of the journal’s policies and the present code of ethics.
  • The authors will guarantee that their work is the result of original, unpublished research and that the data used in it has been ethically obtained. Consequently, any work that incurs plagiarism, self-plagiarism, duplicated publication (that essentially describes the same research with minor changes already published in other work[s] or in the process of publication), manipulation of references, incorrect attributions of authorship, the deliberate omission of references or the use of material (data, images, etc.) without the proper permission will not be considered for publication.

  • They will cite the authorship and source of all illustrations, tables, and charts in their submissions and they must have the corresponding reproduction permissions.
  • They will guarantee in writing that their submissions have not been published before, nor are they in the process of appearing in another publication.
  • They will inform the editors of any conflict of interest or situation of any other nature that might influence the results of the evaluation of their submissions.
  • For the publication of their submission, authors will strictly follow the manuscript preparation style guide defined by the journal.
  • They will address the requests for corrections and/or the inclusion of additional material indicated by the editors within the stipulated time frames.
  • When they receive notification that their manuscripts will be published, they must provide the journal with the corresponding reproduction copyrights.
  • They can republish their work after having their article published in the journal, but they must always stipulate that the original version was published in Estudios de Cultura Náhuatl, specifying the year and volume.
  • The authors who submit their work for possible publication in the journal agree to adhere to the present code of ethics.

The Reviewers

  • The reviewers are qualified specialists in the subject matter addressed in the submissions for possible publication. Their opinions contribute to helping the editors make decisions concerning the relevance of the submissions to the publication.
  • They inform the editors if there is any conflict of interest in relation to the submission they are evaluating.
  • They must review the submission with impartiality and academic rigor, express their opinions in a framework of respect and constructive comments in their assessments.
  • They produce reasoned reviews, taking into consideration, among others, the following aspects:
  • Unpublished, scientific quality of the research;
  • Relevance of subject matter for the journal and the submission’s originality;
  • Quality and consistency of the argumentation;
  • Clarity and coherence of its structure and writing; and
  • Use of relevant, up-to-date sources and bibliography.
  • They notify the editors, in the event of the certainty or suspicion, that the reviewed manuscript incurs plagiarism, self-plagiarism, duplicate publication, deliberate omission of references, or any other unethical practice.
  • They will respect the time limits established by the journal to submit their evaluations.
  • They are committed to not divulge or use for any purpose the works that they receive for evaluation or the information contained in them.
  • They must adhere to the present code of ethics.