Qué tipo de trabajos acepta y qué no acepta
Estudios de Historia Novohispana accepts articles derived from original and unpublished scientific research, written in Spanish or English, on topics related to the history of the Viceroyalty of New Spain (including the Philippines) and other Ibero-American viceroyalties. The journal also accepts critical reviews of books published within the last four years by reputable publishers, focusing on the history of colonial Ibero-America. These reviews must include references to other works that establish a dialogue or discussion.
Estudios de Historia Novohispana does not accept synthesis articles, dissemination or outreach pieces, essays, or paleographies and translations of documents. Previously published works —whether in another language or not— or those currently under review or in the publication process for another outlet are also not accepted. Furthermore, the journal does not admit reviews that are merely summaries of books and lack critical evaluation. Estudios de Historia Novohispana does not accept any type of work that falls outside its defined thematic and disciplinary fields.