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Publicado: 2009-10-05

Indios de la Florida en la Antigua, Veracruz, 1757-1770. Un episodio de la decadencia de España ante Inglaterra


This article covers the origin and evolution of the town of San Carlos, near La Antigua, Veracruz, created in order to settle 40 families of Yamase and Appalachian Indians proceeding from the area around Panzacola. They abandoned their settlement due to the surrendering of part of the North American Southwest to England, in accordance to the Paris treaties of 1763. The author describes and comments the events that caused this migration, the cultural traits that these Indians brought with them, the different attitudes of the authorities regarding their presence and the possibilities that they might have contributed to the defense of the coast, as well as the slow and gradual integration of the inhabitants of San Carlos in the New Spain’s society.

Cómo citar

García de León, A. (2009). Indios de la Florida en la Antigua, Veracruz, 1757-1770. Un episodio de la decadencia de España ante Inglaterra. Estudios De Historia Novohispana, (16), 101–118.
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