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Publicado: 2009-10-05

Diego Osorio de Peralta, hombre del barroco, autor del primer libro novohispano de anatomía como texto docente


The character being discussed in this article was one of the most distinguished doctors of the second half of New Spain seventeenth century, His importance lies in having being “criollo” (a Spaniard born in the New World), and one of the first who dedicated himself to medical practice as a professional activity. Throughout his life he studied in the most outstanding institutions of higher learning of the New Spain, taught at the University, was author of scientific works, fundamentally of the first anatomy book for teaching, exercised his profession in confraternities and hospitals and was member of the two most important institutions of professional control, the Tribunal of the Santo Oficio and the Protomedicato. In the development of these activities, Osorio y Peralta was part of a growing science community where not only interchanges and recognitions of perspectives and knowledge were produced, but also where conflictive situations would arise expressed in envy, hate, intrigue and disputes.

Cómo citar

Rodríguez-Sala, M. L. (2009). Diego Osorio de Peralta, hombre del barroco, autor del primer libro novohispano de anatomía como texto docente. Estudios De Historia Novohispana, (16), 57–82.
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