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Publicado: 2009-10-05

Tasaciones y tributos de los pueblos de indios de la Provincia de Ávalos, 1535 hasta 1555


The province of Ávalos, located in what is now the Mexican state of Jalisco, offers a number of significant topics for the study of New Spain regional history. These include the curious biographies of its first encomenderos, the continual activities of its Franciscan missionaries and the teeming indigenous population, which provided tribute to the Spanish crown. The article briefly analyzes tribute activity from province of Ávalos between 1535 and 1555. Documents from the Archivo General de Indias show that tribute was almost always delivered punctually by the Indians, and also provide valuable information regarding the charges levied and remissions granted by the Royal Treasury to those responsible for its collection. The result of the study offer insights into important events in the economic, social and political history of the region, such as the Mixtón War, the funding of New Galicia’s diocese and its first Royal Treasury.

Cómo citar

Hillerkuss, T. (2009). Tasaciones y tributos de los pueblos de indios de la Provincia de Ávalos, 1535 hasta 1555. Estudios De Historia Novohispana, (16), 15–32.
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