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Publicado: 2009-10-05

Martín Pérez y la etnografía de Sinaloa a fines del siglo XVI y principios del siglo XVIII


The Relación…, that is commented here concerns the etnography of the early inhabitants of Sinaloa, the distribution of Spanish and Indian villages on the basin of the regional rivers and describes the beginnings of the Jesuit evangelization. In the introduction to the text the editor arguments and proves that the author of the Relación was the Jesuit father Martín Pérez.

Cómo citar

González Rodríguez, L., & Anzures B., M. del C. (2009). Martín Pérez y la etnografía de Sinaloa a fines del siglo XVI y principios del siglo XVIII. Estudios De Historia Novohispana, (16), 171–214.
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